There is a young lady, who will remain nameless, that I adore. On her first day of school, an 8th grade boy in the lunch line turned to her and in a very loud and derogatory way announced "you have a mustache." As middle school survivors, most of us know how difficult these three years can be. Our developmental job during this time is to just fit belong. Not to be identified for being different.
Fortunately for this girl, her father is a middle school survivor and had already practiced with her what to say for just such a situation. So she turned around and faced her attacker. Calmly she looked him over and said, "well at least I have one.".
Pay attention to what that voice is telling you and ask yourself if what it is saying is really true...challenge it, tell it that it's not helpful, or just tell it to shut up. You may find that it is much harder to stand up to that voice than standing up for yourself with others because you can't run from this one or divorce it or quit it but realize that is exactly why you need to face it. Not challenging it or stopping it sometimes makes it more powerful.

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